
Coffee with Kelli (Free T.I.I. Monthly Group Practice Session with Kelli)

If you have previously completed Transformative Insight Imagery Online Introduction, you are invited to join us online for free 30 minute practice sessions, to continue strengthening and expanding your amazing T.I.I. resources.

When: Sunday, December 4, 20022

5-5:30 PM Eastern

4-4:30 PM Central

3-3:30PM Mountain

2-2:30 PM Pacific

Please RSVP to so we can look forward to our call and know the number of attendees prior to start time. 

Ready to dive deeper into Transformative Insight Imagery? Whatever is blocking you, stopping you or preventing you from being your best, Transformative Insight Imagery can shift blocking beliefs, offer insights and create deep transformation.

Sign up for a one to one time with Kelli and she will co-facilitate you wherever you need to go!